Saturday, February 27, 2016

Develop Persuasive Insight

Develop Persuasive Insight

Making statements or releasing information is easy, but to do so in a manner that gauges interest and draws attention or desire to your product or service takes an understanding in persuasion that is often lacking. Recognizing the tactics in persuasion and applying them to your media release could very well be the recipe that makes for success. What exactly does it take to be persuasive? How do some people "sell" a product so fluently, what kind of sorcerery are they using? Watch the following video for a clear demonstration and explanation on the influence persuasion has on public reception and response.

The harness the magic of persuasion, there are a few simple set of rules to remember and always keep in mind. The basic general rules are as follows:

  1. Reciprocity compels
  2. Persistence Pays
  3. Compliment Sincerely
  4. Set Expectations
  5. Don't Assume
  1. Create Scarsity
  2. Create Urgency
  3. Images Matter
  4. Tell the Truth
  5. Build Rapport

Now applying persuasive techniques in writing can be used by easily applying the PEEL technique. This simple technique was developed to help make writing more persuasive, compelling, and easier to read.

PEEL (Point, Evidence, Evaluate, Link)
  • Introduce your topic
  • Make your point in your opening statements
  • Expand on your point and provide evidence
  • Include statistics, research, or quotes
  • Evaluate the benefits of your point
  • Engage in opposing points of view to strengthen your argument
  • Link your point to the following points made thereafter
  • Create a cohesive and flowing structure

Following this basic structure and learning to use it effectively will help hold the readers attention and hopefully convince them of the value in your product or service.

Types of Media Releases


So, you want to create a media release form, one of the first steps is identifying what type of media release you wish to create and the type of message you wish to get across to your audience. By structuring your media release to accordingly, your audience will have an easier time following along with your message, and you will have more success in capturing their attention. Take the message you need to announce and see which category is a best fit.

The four main categories of media releases are:

    • Focused on building corporate image building public appeal to attract investors
    • Providing self endorsement to portray positive business value
    • Include important information regarding the company structure such as the announcement of new executives, or major position changes within the corporation
    • Provide valuable information on sales successes or major public releases
    • This releases provides little real world value in building public image in today's market unless it announces events of epic proportion, such as a change in corporate name, image or value

    • Using real world examples of success through the use of your product or technology provides value to the product or service you provide.
    • Provide real success stories that have significant importance by conveying the value of the service or technology that you provide
    • Include and emphasize quotes from customers or consultants that provide glowing accolades of your product or service
    • Focus on the genuine advantage and uniqueness that your product/service has and its ability to solve problems
    • Do NOT focus on financial success as it will dilute the message being sent and falls into the corporate release structure
    • Describe specifics on how your product was able to solve a problem and the simplicity and general ease of use in the completion of that task
    • Quotes are of incredible importance, they provide a case study that your prospective customers can relate to

    • Include techical information about the technology
    • Provide examples on how it makes lives easier
    • Make serveral releases on a regular basis to display the evolution of the technology
    • Provide a technical roadmap of the product
    • Provide specific cases on its ability to solve problems
    • Provide details on its market value and importace

    • Developed in two parts, before and after event releases
    • Include involvement in organations that add credibility to the company or certain employees
    • Detail the company or person that will participate in an event or ceremony
    • Detail the corporate focus, such as product or technologies
    • Provide a follow up that describes the success of the event
    • Detail the relevance to the company and market value
    • Describe the reaction of attendees and their value to the credibility to the company, product, or staff

Structuring Your Media Release

Structuring Your Media Release

Constructing a media release is no difficult task, a simple image search through a search engine could nab you plenty of templates to construct a basic media release. But you want to build a media release that will draw attention, resonate with its readers, and promote success. 

One of the most important things to remember about a media release is that is is not an advertisement. But if it is written well, it could help generate exposure, and persuade your audience to the same or greater effect than a paid advertisement. A media release is used to make an announcement to the media releasing information on a product or service or a major change within an organization.

Be Newsworthy,
A media release is information released to the media, and must be an announcement important or large enough that it will be covered and garner attention. Avoid making your media release into a promotional advertisement, the media doesn't exist to provide your organization with free advertising. It is important to use your opening of your release to instantly communicate the message and gain the attention of the reader. Be honest and direct and avoid any conspicuous wording. Key elements must be present in constructing a successful media release,

  • Strong bold headline
  • Appealing story
  • Professional appearance
  • Quotes and testimonials
  • Contact information

When writing your media release it is important to stick to a very focused guidelines. You want to engage the reader, not lose them in a long winding story of your greatness. Consider your writing style and formatting structure. Below are helpful guidelines to consider when building your media release.

Writing Style
Short paragraphs
-Up to 3 sentences per paragraph
-One key point per paragraph

Inverted pyramid
-Put most important information first
-Provide substance with relevant information
-Support information with brief background

The 5 W
-who, what, when, where, why & how
-Provide only the most relevant information

Write to the reader
-Use simple English
-Avoid technical jargon
-Be clear and cohesive

-DO NOT lie or falsify information
-DO NOT make assumptions

Keep it short
-No more than 1 page
The Lead
-Most important info first
-Condense and simplify your point
-Make an angle to grab attention

The body
-Supportive information, facts and referrals
-Order information in descending order of importance

-Attribute story to authoritative source

-Sharp and to the point
-Provide weight to your point
-Emphasizes importance

-Capture the most important point
-Attention grabbing
-Short and sweet